About the Poetry

All of the poems in this blog are spirit-inspired. Every word came to me each day for a full year while in deep meditation. I simply wrote what I heard onto a pad of paper in my lap with eyes closed – meaningful, multi-stanza verses in mere minutes. I was unaware of each poem’s theme until I transcribed it later word for word. Each day brought new and wondrous discoveries about the world beyond our five physical senses, incredible wisdom, and messages of hope which I share with you in this blog. The last poems received are displayed below on this page, but the entire collection of 365+ poems are archived here in the left-hand column. You can search by topic or keyword using the search box in the upper left corner. May you find among them just the right message which speaks to your heart.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Poem #155 - You Can't Rush Growth

A quick note before today's poem to acknowledge Lois Anne and Jennifer, two beautiful souls whose comments each day are as insightful and beautiful as the poems. Thank you so much for your efforts. I love knowing that others are enjoying the poems, too. And now, #155:

See the mighty oak …
How tall its trunk does grow.
All that from one small acorn,
Whose life it did bestow.

You are like that mighty tree.
You sprang from one small seed.
Inside it held the makings
For everything your growth did need.

From that seed grew matter,
That which everyone can feel.
But matter’s not the only part.
There’s more of you that’s real.

Your spirit is a gift from God.
It gives life to all you are.
For without life the seeds would be
Like marbles in a jar.

As your body shows much change
Your spirit it grows too.
For you are here to grow and learn.
You’ve much good work to do.

But like the acorn sprouts a trunk
At quite a stately rate.
You cannot push your spirit’s growth
Some things they have to wait.

Your growth proceeds just as it should
With lessons on your path.
So take each step and learn from it
By choosing love, not wrath.

You cannot force the seed to grow
Nor speed its destined course.
So watch your life unfold just so,
With patience, not with force.

All things will come to you in time,
Just like the oak matures.
So let your spirit stretch and grow
And all the world is yours.


  1. Thank you Suzanne for your sweet comment! Your beautiful poems give me strength and inspiration each day and you are one of the most wonderful treasures I have found in my life. Your poetry helps me grow and to me is like the bible where meaning and hope can be found.

    This poem really captures how I feel sometimes. I want to push my growth from the inside and often feel stuck. But as you say, "Your growth proceeds just as it should, with patience not force."

    The "Mighty Oak" is a lovely example of how we ripen from within. We continue to grow and flourish with every insight and turn we take.

    Thank you!

    Patience is a virtue

  2. I agree with Jennifer, Suzanne...thank you for your kind words. I, too, use the messages from The Council of Poets with my daily meditations. You are a blessing in my life!

    Today's image of the oak tree is perfect. I have a special fondness for the three huge oak trees in our yard. Acorns are everywhere for the squirrels to plant and enjoy. I find this image truly magnificent in its beauty as well as its power.

    And the message? Wow..."Your growth proceeds just as it should with lessons on your path." Wise words today to live by...
