About the Poetry

All of the poems in this blog are spirit-inspired. Every word came to me each day for a full year while in deep meditation. I simply wrote what I heard onto a pad of paper in my lap with eyes closed – meaningful, multi-stanza verses in mere minutes. I was unaware of each poem’s theme until I transcribed it later word for word. Each day brought new and wondrous discoveries about the world beyond our five physical senses, incredible wisdom, and messages of hope which I share with you in this blog. The last poems received are displayed below on this page, but the entire collection of 365+ poems are archived here in the left-hand column. You can search by topic or keyword using the search box in the upper left corner. May you find among them just the right message which speaks to your heart.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Poem #241 - Teachers

“When the student is ready,
The teacher appears.”
You’ve heard this quite often
Throughout your long years.

How many times
Have you met just the right soul,
Who comes into your life
With a prominent role?

Pay heed to your thoughts
When they tell you, “Hear now!”
For this person has wisdom
Which to you to endow.

They may be quite young
Or they may be quite old
Cloaked in raiments quite tattered
Or wearing rings made of gold.

But it’s something they say
Or a thing which they do
That tells you they bring
Special learning for you.

If in need of some guidance
Then close your eyes tight,
And ask for a teacher
To come when it’s right.

We’ll send you a good one.
You’ll know when they’re near.
For the light will go on,
And you’ll see things quite clear.

And then someday soon
You’ll reverse these fine roles,
And will serve as a teacher,
Helping guide other souls.

So be open to all
Who down your path come your way.
And hear the true message
Which their words have to say.


  1. Remember the fish building a circle in the sand at Sumter Landing? I knew at that moment. "So be open to all who down your path come your way." Oh yes, this is a precious poem and message for me today.

    And the reversal of roles is a lesson I learned well while teaching in the public school system. My middle school students often became my teachers.

    On to living our lives as "students and teachers" this day...

  2. Wonderful poem.

    Life is a long journey full of lessons through the teachings of others.

    I have no doubt Suzanne that this is why you appeared in my life....
