About the Poetry

All of the poems in this blog are spirit-inspired. Every word came to me each day for a full year while in deep meditation. I simply wrote what I heard onto a pad of paper in my lap with eyes closed – meaningful, multi-stanza verses in mere minutes. I was unaware of each poem’s theme until I transcribed it later word for word. Each day brought new and wondrous discoveries about the world beyond our five physical senses, incredible wisdom, and messages of hope which I share with you in this blog. The last poems received are displayed below on this page, but the entire collection of 365+ poems are archived here in the left-hand column. You can search by topic or keyword using the search box in the upper left corner. May you find among them just the right message which speaks to your heart.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Poem #154 - Innocence

Hear the little children’s voices.
So sweetly they do sing.
The happiness that’s in their hearts
Has a wondrous message to bring.

Small children are so innocent.
They have not learned to hate.
If you could only turn back time,
How grand would be your state.

No fear, no judgment, no disdain.
Just love without condition.
The lives of man would be so blessed
With not a soul lost to perdition.

But as you grow like blades of grass
The weeds they tend to strangle.
Your false beliefs they do the same.
These “weeds” you must untangle.

Go back then to an early time
When thoughts were pure and true,
And you will find the babe’s pure bliss
Is what to you is due.


  1. How sweet.I like the way "blades of grass" is used to describe growth and how "weeds" are used to define our inability to grow when we become caught up in our own judgement and greed.

    The thought of being a child again is a wonderful feeling...

  2. "No fear, no judgment, no disdain. Just love without condition." Beautiful lines today from the world of spirit as we are reminded of the unconditional love of children.

    It would be fun to see what our world would be like if we could all think like children once again...
